Or perhaps you are not facing your 'shadow' with honesty and fearlessness?
Thanks for bringing this up, it is definitely needed, honesty, fearlessness, and lets not forget curiosity and a desire to get to know ones true self and become more whole.
To admit to themselves (at least), their dark side, dark desires, bad motives for doing certain things, making this conscious has its many benefits not easy but worth it, with that I'm still a work in progress.
As one gets to know ones shadow the less he is projecting on to others because he is not in denial any more.
One first needs to recognize that the persona is not the real them, it is a mask the real us hides behind in dealing with the outside world to identify completely with one's persona makes for lots of depression and a very small inner life, everything happening dominated by the persona.
Admitting that I don't really care that much about what happens to JW's arrested in Russia, not a popular view of many here is a small indication that I'm not letting my persona dominate and have come to terms that some would classify as their dark side, or made friends with some of my darker natures.
I find that the more and more I recognize my shadow the better I feel towards myself and others, while it's true that others may misunderstand me if I'm honest about feeling different from popular politically correct feeling, and some may jump to wrong conclusions and such is life. Not a big deal but very interesting and full of lessons I'm sure.